Since my sister recently moved somewhere that is a little more reasonable to drive to:) we decided to take a little road trip. The trip takes 7-9 hours depending on how many stops you make. I was a little worried about this length of trip because the longest we have done with
Italia is about 3 hours and we don't do it very often...and we all get car sick...
Italia the worst:)
So we loaded up on
Dramamine and were on our way. I drove the first half stopped for a few minutes then Donny drove the last half since it is curvy. I am a
scaredy cat when it comes to driving but I think i can make it by myself if I wanted too.
We went to a cat zoo and this is the only area I took my camera:( It was neat because the cats where right there but kind of lame at the same time since it was small. We then went downtown and meet Spencer and had P.F.
Changs Yum. We also did the wagon slide and
Saturday we went to a little swimming park and had fun. Then we left on Sunday. It was a short trip but fun. I am sure we will be going back again...if they will let us.