Monday, October 27, 2008

Panties and Cheese

So I don't know if you can tell in the pics but she is wearing panties. So I am not trying to potty train her but I am trying to teach her what potty is and what it entails. I have had a potty seat upstairs for awhile now and I put her on it sometimes like before baths. Also when I change her diapers I try to talk about going potty. She has been figuring it out more lately and shone some interest. The other day she was sitting on Grandmas lap and grandma asked if she was going potty and Italia got down and ran to the bathroom. If I say go potty she usually runs to the bathroom or points to her diaper.
I am not going to rush this cause I think kids need to be "ready" for you to have good success without too much headache.
So Donny and I have talked about trying to be better about teaching her about "potty" so Saturday I bought a seat for the basement, a stool, and panties. She wanted to open the panties when we got home then wanted to wear them. (over her diaper I am not ready for the real thing yet) Then later after bathtime and jammies she wanted to wear them again so I put them on over her jammies. Same with tonight.

Now you may be wondering why this post is called "Panties and Cheese" considering I haven't talked about cheese yet? So On Friday we stopped to get something to eat before taking Grandma to the airport and Grandma took her pic and she smiled and said "cheese" this is the first time she ever has done this and did it without prompting. I am not overly sure how she learned this cause I don't think I say "say cheese" when I take her pics cause the few times I do this she gets up and wants cheese. So tonight when I wanted to take her pic showing off her panties. I got the camera out and sat down with her and she says "cheese"

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

Oh my gosh look at this lovely dress. I can just picture Italia in it. Obviously next halloween but it is gorgeous I can't believe anyone could be so talented. I hope I win

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to a pumpkin patch and had lots of fun.

Italia sitting on a hay bail in the maze. She wasn't to sure about walking through the maze.

Carrying her pumkin
I love Italis face in this pic it says "what exactly am I doing here?"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Cheap Beef

There is a fantastic deal going on right now. This morning I purchased 18 Hamburgers and a set of cutlery from Omaha Steaks for $3.98. Go to My Good Cents for one of the best explanations on how to do this. You don't have to be a member of Geico to register for their Privileges program. And if you don't have an ebates account, it is super easy and free to sign up. It took a day for Geico to send me my email with the code.

***side note make sure when you click on the omaha steaks site it says "sign up to save with omaha steaks" if it says differently exit out of everything and try again.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Train Show

We went to the annual train show here in town. Italia loved it. Just was fascinated with all the trains chugging right by her.

Waiting for a train to come.
Italia is telling me about the trains in her girly conductor hat.
Enjoying some more trains

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Walgreens Tips

(I have copied this from penny pile from my blog list and am just editing it to make it sound easier)

I may go back and edit if I have questions look for new colors.

As you walk into to Walgreens look for two things

Weekly Ad

It contains all sales that week and some in-store coupons which you may use in combinations with manufacturer coupons.(Most of the sales in the weekly ad are only good that week along with the coupons in the ad)

Easy Saver Catalog
Each month Walgreens issues an Easy Saver Catalog. It contains both store coupons and a list of rebates offered by Walgreens view online here. (If you can't find it ask a cashier they always have them at the registers to. it is brochure size for the most part these items are good all month)

Good to Know Tips

You can submit rebates by mail or online here. Online is really easy. You check off your offers then enter your receipt numbers located at the top of all receipts. You then save for later or submit. If you forget, Walgreens submits it for you 7 days after the month is over. Once you press submit you can not add any more rebates for the month.
You receive your rebate in form of a check or gift card. If you choose gift card, then they pay you an extra 10% on top of your original total! If you receive your rebate by mail, pay attention. It looks like junk mail, the return address reads "Young America"
Some rebates make the product free. Others may be free if used in combination with a coupon.

Register Rewards(RR)
Walgreens will have sales where you may get Register Rewards back. These are coupons that print off with your receipt. It's good for $$ off your next purchase. It will read something like "$4 off your next in-store purchase" These usually expire after about two weeks. You may not use them for an amount less than the coupon. There are a few things excluded listed on each coupon, such as dairy, lottery, stamps, alcohol.
For some reason it sometimes confuses the Register Reward printer if you use a Register Reward to pay for your purchase. Sometimes it just cancels each other out. I suggest not using Register Rewards if you expect to get some back in the same purchase.especially if you use a RR from the same deal as your new transaction

Important! The number of coupons cannot exceed the number of items purchased in a transaction!
It sounds crazy, but I run into this problem a lot. Toss in some cheap candy or something to even out your numbers.A good idea is the clearance isle sometimes they have some for just pennies but its an item so it still counts

Here are some abbreviations I will use in my posts

ESR= Easy Saver Rebate
ESC= Easy Saver Coupon
SC= Store Coupon
RR= Register Rewards

One more little tip. Walgreens will not let you use more coupons than you have items. So, no using 2 register rewards for one item, ect.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


just so eveyone who may read this blog I am probably going to be doing a few more couponing blogs soon cause some people are interested in starting couponing. So for those of you who care nothing about coupons sorry. Maybe some of my posts my help save you some money.(don't worry i won't be turning my blog into a coupon blog i will just post some things I am to lazy to do a coupon blog)

I don't know how well you can see this but this is one of my Walgreens receipts you can see I used a coupon for most everything I got a lot for $30.00 and half of that was cause donny was with me and had to have some plastic talking gargole thing that was $15.00 and a $10.00 bike lock he needed. (so much for saving money) and I believe off this recipet that I will get $10.00 back in rebates. just click on the pic to make it larger so you can see.

This is the same reciept just closer up some of the coupons that I used were Register Rewards (RR) which are like Walgreens money that you get sometimes when you buy certain deals.
A pic of just one of my coupon catagories that I have.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Its looking good

Our house is really looking good. Our trusses are up the sheet is complete. The septic guy dug the hole. We will be ordering siding soon. The window guy came to measure all windows.

Front view. Italia and Donny enjoying the yard. Italia loves visiting Dad cause she gets to run around and do stuff that I usually don't let her do.

Above: Side view the master bedroom side. The little jut out is for the fireplace in the living room. The two little windows up top are the master bathroom.
Above: Back view. the little room that juts out is the breakfast room.
Above : Another back view
Above: side view of the garage

Saturday, October 4, 2008

I have been tagged

The Rules:
•Mention the rules on your blog.
•Tell about 6 things people don't know about you.
•Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
•Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

1. I love to cook! I think I am pretty good anything from comfort food to gourmet.
2. I am becoming a coupon queen!
3. I love food storage! I hope to be as self reliant as possible when we are able to get into our house. (this was all brought on by Donny)
4. I am becoming addicted to Walgreens
5.My favorite food is probably mexican
6. I sell Tupperware ( any one want to have a party?)

I tag Lexie, Destinee, Amber, Kitara, Haylee, Emily and no I am not linking these cause I am to tired