Donny getting in on the action.

Halloween night. Italia was mulan and this is Donny's finished product of his pumpkin and Donny's gargoyle that is our only decor:) Italia had fun going trick or treating with daddy and getting lots of treats then we went to a little neighborhood family halloween party. Overall I think we had lots of fun. Oh and Friday we took her to trick or treat street and got more candy and another chance to dress up. We met up with Ben, Destinee, and Dreadyn.
Love the costume. Very cute! Looks like you guys had fun.
my favorite mulan :) I am sure she loved all the candy especially the chocolate!! I am glad papa got to be home one night to carve pumpkins with italia he said she was so funny painting hers or herself:)
glad that everyone had fun. I loved her mulan costume. Emma asked when she could be mulan.
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