Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Little Project>>>

I knitted this dress. It was really my first time really knitting. I have started many dishclothes and finished maybe 3. I had a lot of fun learning and will attempt again plus other stuff.

Italia loves the dress a little too much. She has been waiting for it for a month now and so she has been wearing it all day however she has been taking it off and on all day and so the straps are already stretched out I am hoping I can steal it back tonight and get it to shrink back up. I am glad she loves it but at the same time because I worked so hard on it I kind of don't want her to use it:) Oh well.


Lynne said...

The dress turned out so awesome. I'll I can do is one stitch so you have already pasted your mother but nana would be so proud of you!! So how I guess I will have to learn from you:)

Kmelanese said...

That dress is adorable!! Good job!

lexie said...

I totally love it!!!! I want one for Emma!! :)

AMBER said...

Very, very cute! Great job Mel. I'm next after Lexie for one of these adorable dresses. You have plenty of time too cause it would be great for next winter. Ha! ha!