Friday, April 9, 2010

ruffle skirt

Here is a project I made. Cute! it was fun to make and pretty easy too.


Kmelanese said...

That is so cute!! I love it!

Lynne said...

You are getting so good at knitting Wow. And when she wore to my house she would show me a hula dance in her skirt. She is the cutest child ever and she always makes me smile. I am so glad you guys are so close

lexie said...

Oh! I totally love it! You are amazing! I wish I had your mad skills!!(that is a quote from new moon-I watched again last night!)But I really do! Emma's waist is 22"But she is pretty tall so you might need to make it a little longer. Italia looks super cute. She is getty way tall too! you need to make her a cute little beanie hat to make it.

The Cook Clan said...

That is so cute! Way to be!

Andy said...

Hello! How are you? That skirt and belly button are cute cute cute.

I think of you every time I put one of your bows on my girls. The baby now likes to load up with three or four at a time, or sort through them on the floor.

You HAVE the HK bathroom stuff! Lucky you. You can't take that away from little Italia. But if you do ever remodel, give me a shout out!