Monday, May 5, 2008

Alvin and the Chipmunks

So Italia's favorite movie is Alvin and the Chipmunks. We seriously watch it at least twice a day sometimes more. The movie really isn't all that long. Her favorite parts are the singing and dancing parts and she waves her hands and bounces up and down and my favorite is when she stands up and shakes her hips. It is so cute. Italia will actually watch the whole movie though not just the music parts. She laughs and some of the parts almost everytime she watches it.
Sometimes when she is grouchy and everything I do doesn't work I will put in Alvin and she is happy. Sometimes she needs to just relax and lays on a pillow with a baba and watches the show. Don't worry we don't do this all day she gets plenty of other play and activities.

1 comment:

Kmelanese said...

I have heard that is a good movie but we haven't seen it yet. We should, it sounds like a good investment! :)