Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So I am trying to change my exercise philosophy.

Before I felt if I can't do it all the way all the time for the right amount of minutes then why do it.

But now I realize that unless I completely stop eating or only eat lettuce I am not going to lose weight with just diet.
I can do a very restrictive diet for a short amount of time but I can't keep it up.

I just like food to much I also like cooking and baking so its not easy to totally avoid it.

I came to the conclusion I have to exercise. I have no choice in the matter if I want to lose weight and be healthy.
I also know most likely I won't be exercising 4 times a week for an hour. But I can try to do more than I did before.
I hate exercising when I feel pressured I can enjoy exercising but I have to get past all that past emotional issues I have against exercise.

So what have I done?
I signed up for an adult dance class. It is once a week for an hour and they provide the babysitter.
Some days I get a good workout. Somedays mainly just good stretching.

I also try to go to zumba...a latin style dance aerobics.
I love zumba, even if I feel like I can't walk afterwards :)
I am never sore in the morning though.
I really stretches my bad hips and that is why I feel like I can't walk.
The class is offered Monday and Thursday nights at 8pm.
I go when Donny is home. I seriously would go every night if I could.
I really need to find a babysitter for when he is not home.

Anyone know a babysitter in my area.
I have lost weight.
I am not exactly sure how much because I don't know for sure what I was at when I started.
I believe I have lost more inches than weight
I am in a size smaller pants.
I notice all my clothes feeling looser or fitting better.
I have even worn some clothes that haven't seen the light of day for more than three years.
I am not trying to get skinny over night.
I am trying to change my views and life style to a more healthy active one.
I also want my weight loss to remain with me not just to gain it back as soon as I stop thinking about it so I am doing it slow and stead...thats what wins the race right!


Jessica said...

Good for you!

lexie said...

Yeah for you! It is super hard to lose inches so that is awesome! I love zumba too! I am proud of you for doing what you can. Someday you might even find you like to work out. For me it is a totally stress reliever.

Amber said...

Wish I had your commitment. I loved zumba.. although I've never sweated so much in my entire life! Congrats on losing weight! I would love to take a dance class! Where are you taking it at?