So my computer/internet where acting up and I had some really cute pictures to post. Donny had to dump everything from the computer so now those pics are on a disc somewhere and now I will have to search for them. Donny has been up in Challis working. He went up last Thursday night and was able to come home Tuesday night (he arrived around midnight) just to turn around and leave again on Thursday evening. Hopefully he will come home on Tuesday but there is a chance of him staying longer. Hopefully not to long cause I am signed up the go to the cannery to get honey on Thursday.
I have been learning and working towards our one year food storage probably since we moved from Twin. We have been doing as good as possible but I couldn't get to much while at my moms. ( I probably got more then I should have ;)) So right now we have a little bit of a lot of stuff but the only thing I have a year of is powdered milk. So we are really going to concentrate on getting our years supply. Because I already have a little of most things I am going to pick a couple things every month/paycheck to go and buy a years supply. Some months we will be able to do more then others. I did go get a years supply of salt from Sam's club. They had a 4lb box for $.88. I do still want to get some rock salt, sea salt, light salt, etc.
I have been making bread like a mad women! We have decided that not only are we going to have a food storage but we are going to use it. Including the wheat:0 So I have been grinding my own wheat and making bread. It is healthier and cheaper. That is what most food storage food is, healthier and cheaper. I even had pics of the bread, cinnamon rolls, and cookies I have made. We also trying to eventually get away from premade food from the grocery store. They are not cheaper overall and are loaded with fat, salt, and preservatives. So my goals are to freeze a lot. When I am cooking I am going to try to make extra and freeze either in Family size or individual sizes. This way even if I am busy, tired, lazy, sick, or if Donny is in charge we always have a quick and healthy home made meal at our finger tips that just need reheated. I am also trying to be better about grocery shopping and I don't mean coupons. I use coupons they can be great when used correctly but you don't have a coupon for everything you need or want. I am trying to cut out so many "quick" trips to the grocery store that really aren't quick and I end up spending $50-75 even when I was planning on buying two things. I am trying to stretch the time in between trips by being more creative or making something even if I am lacking an ingredient (obviously not a main one)
I love to try new recipes wo I have a really bad habit of picking 7 meals and having to buy almost every ingredient for those meals and a lot of those ingredients you use a little of then have lots left over you don't know what to do with. So I am trying to make recipes that use some of the same ingredients so they go further. I think I am doing good so far. Obviously I am not perfect and I have a lot more to go but I am trying and that is how you accomplish goals is by starting them:)