So there was some good coupons and sales on some stuff that we needed so I was determined to go today and get some good deals. Italia has been eating these quaker oat chewy granola bars that I picked up at Sam's for Donny's hunting trip but she only likes the peanut butter ones:) And the other day I was thinking that I really needed to keep my eye open for cheap pasta.

I got:
10 boxes Chewy Granola bars (mostly peanut butter)
4 boxes grownup granola bars:)
6 boxes instant oatmeal (Donny eats this most morings cause its fast easy and filling)
20 boxes pasta (smart taste and whole wheat)
1 hormel complete meal
2 packages bacon
some apples
some bananas
before sales and coupons total $145.92
after sales and couponstotal $18.05

Italia wanted her pic taken after I took the coupon pic

So have you seen the movie 7 brides for 7 brothers? If not I am sorry you have been deprived of one of the worlds best movies:) well on the movie there is a song that says "Wonderful, wonderful day" many times and so now Italia goes around singing "Wonderful DAY!" It is way cute except for when she is singing it in her crib when she should be sleeping. The other day she insisted that I take a "cheese" of "Wonderful Day". So these pics are of her singing and dancing to Wonderful Day.