So it has been pretty busy around here hopefully I can remember everything.
Amber, Carter, and Addie were here visiting so we hung with them here and there. Than on wednesday night Donny came home from work and he came home early because he had an ear infection and needed to get into the dr. so we headed to the community care in town. He got two antibiotics pills and drops but we decided we would get them in the morning since we had lots to do and we were heading out of town in the morning.
So Thursday morning we headed into town to meet my dad and Sams Club and we did that then headed to Walgreens. After about 20 mins wait we were called back and told that our insurance wasn't working. Great. We weren't about to pay $100+ for something when is should be closer to $15. So we left. We headed off to Utah. As we were traveling Donny called his company and eventually got the right insurance info, apparently we never received the new card when it was issued. So we figured we would stop at the first convient pharmacy. We stopped in Tremonton and had lunch and then were on our way to Ogden to see the Dinosaur park. I was pretty impressed with it for the price we paid and if it wasn't so stinking hot we could have stayed longer since it had a lot of play areas. After that we headed to Angel's House in Hyrum. We hung out there for a while and visited with her and her new baby Evey. When it was time to go meet her hubby at the dairy we left and swung by a pharmacy missing the closing time by 10 mins. Then grabbed dinner and headed to the barn. Italia has been asking to go see Angel's cows for a while now so we did. She got to see how they milk the cows and feed the babies. She also got to pet and feed the horsed, here favorite. We then headed to Angel's grandparents house they were kind enough to let us stay the night.
The next morning we got up and went to breakfast then finally found a pharmacy. Then we headed back to the barn then back to Angel's to hang out for a few more minutes. We then hit Gossners for our milk run and swung by My Aunt Shelly's house. After a stop for gas and one for lunch we finally were on our way.
Right as we went through Preston Italia decided to throw up so we stopped to clean that up. Now we were on our way. We had quite a few slow downs which wouldn't be quite so bad but we were on a time schedule. We had to be back in time to get ready to go to my Step bros wedding and we had to be on time since I was the photographer. We made it in time barely:). The wedding was nice and I got some good photos.
The next day Saturday Lexie, Emma, and Aiden where flying in but Donny, Italia, and I had a funeral to go to. Donny's grandma died. It seemed like a nice service I wouldn't know since I was in the hall with Italia since she was being a pill. After the funeral Donny headed off with his brother to ride dirt bikes. And Italia and I meet up with Lexie and the kids.
Sunday was church and then Mom, Scott, Lexie,and the kids headed to our house for the evening.
Monday we stayed around home to get some much needed chores done, I grocery shopped, did dishes, cleaned up, Shampooed carpets. Plus lots more. Then that evening we meet up for dinner At Destinees.
Tuesday Donny, my dad, Lexie, Emma, Aiden, Italia, Dreadyn, and I went fishing. It was fun. The kids played in the water and they all had a chance to "catch" a fish. Reel one in that my Dad caught. Italia and I actually caught one. It was a funny story we had just started and I had just figured out how to cast Italia's new princess pole and did the first real cast and I felt a little something but it was breezy so I figured it was the wake so I asked Italia if she caught a fish and she said yes so I told her to reel it in and when the hook came out of the water there was a fish on it! All the fish that were caught were just babies that we let go. Also the kids saw "sharks" and would all come screaming and running out of the water.
Wednesday Donny left for work. Emma and my mom got sick.
Thrusday we hung out with Lexie and kids and then went to a play. Italia loved it.
Friday my mom brought the kids out to my house for the afternoon to play.
Saturday was an adventure.
Italia and I woke up early and got ready to go garage selling. I felt a little queasy but that happens when I wake up early. We weren't even driving for 5 mins when Italia threw up in the car. So we turned around and came back home I called my mom to tell her we weren't coming. Right after I got her cleaned up she said she was feeling better and wanted to go garage selling. So off we went again. I should have known better(even though Italia throws up all the time so it wasn't really an indicator) but there were a couple garage sells that I really wanted to go to:)
We weren't even there very long when Italia was saying her tummy hurt so we headed to the bathroom. She threw up and I caught it in the bowl and all the sudden I was going to throw up so I yelled at my mom to come in and she thought I was just gagging because Italia was throwing up so she was quite surprised when I turned around and threw up:).
So Italia and I hurried and left so we could get home hopefully without any more puke.
We were sick the rest of the day and into the next.
It is hard being sick when you are a mom but even more so when you are sick at the same time as your child because they need you to take care of them and you can barely take care of your self.