Friday, January 16, 2009

HOuse Update

So our house is still going. Sometimes lately it has felt like we have been working on it forever...wait...we have:) Nov/Dec were a little slow because of the holidays/weather/and my Dad is in phoenix. This last week my Dad came back for the week to help us finish up all the little things before inspection so we can move on to sheet rock. And of course we have had some set backs. We got the electrical inspection done and passed the framing inspection guy came but he wouldn't sign off till we got all the others signed off:( We got the HAVOC done. Now we are just waiting on the plumbing people(who are taking their time) as soon as that is passed I can call the framing guy back. As soon as everything is passed the insulators can come in and do their thing then we have to clean up so the sheet rockers can come. Once they are here it will take 3 or 4 weeks and hopefully during this time we can get all our ducks in a row so that we can finish quickly.

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