Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick Italia....Very Very Long Night

Disclaimer: The following is graphic in nature and includes disgusting descriptions

Proceed at your own risk

So Yesterday was a normal day. Italia went to bed at normal time and went to sleep fairly well. Donny and I went to bed a little after 10. Then at about 11:30 all hell broke lose. I remember thinking that sounds like someone threw up, but I disregarded it. Then Italia started calling my name but I was hoping she would go back to sleep on her own but after a minute or two I knew she wouldn't. So I got up and then as I approached her crib I smelled it. PUCK. So I turned on the lights and got everything cleaned up new sheets, new pjs, Donny had to change cause she got some on him. And while I was cleaning up she was playing in our room and running around not acting sick at all. So I took her to the family room to see if I could get her to settle down. After a few minutes I returned to our room and was getting ready to put her down when she gagged so I took her back out think I need to give her a minute. I grabbed a bowl and a towl then turned the lights out and was walking back to our room when she started pucking again. Donny came out to help me and I had caught some in the bowl but not all of it since it was dark. She threw up a couple times with that episode then Donny took her to give her a bath cause she was covered. I proceeded to clean up cause it was a big mess.

Then after the bath we all settled on the couch for a few moments thinking "This to shall pass" Italia is a throw upper she throws up a lot but most of the time it is a one time thing because she was crying and makes herself gag and sometimes throw up or because she gets a head cold and all the mucus going down her throat makes her throw up. After one more little episode she was so tired so we figured we would try to put her to bed. She layed right down and with in two minutes I heard her again so we jumped up and got the cleaned up and went back out to the family room. After a few minutes we decided I would go back to bed but with in seconds I was being beconed again to help clean up. Then a few minutes later we decided Donny would go lay down and within minutes we need him back. (another major episode)

By this point we have now determined both of us are in for a all nighter. I was sure gald Donny was home because after/during when she was throwing up she wanted held and cuddled then one of us would need to clean up the mess as one of us comforted her. Donny did most of the cuddling and I got to do most of the clean up. She was throwing up hard about every 15 mins. We felt so bad for her cause we couldn't do anything. She was throwing up so hard that sometimes she would stop breathing for a moment. We got her to drink some so she could throw up instead of dry heaving with some mucus coming up but then she refused to drink cause she figured out she would throw up more if she drank. A little after 2am we finally got her to sleep on the floor. Donny camped out next to her and I was on the couch then she would start gagging every 45 mins or so and we would hold her over a bowl as she threw up it was so sad. She just wanted to be held or sleep but she had to throw up she could even stand up we and to hold her. Then I would get her back to sleep just to do it again later.

After about 20 pj changes for Italia a couple for both Donny and I 4 loads of laundry and many towels, blankets, a box of wipes and a bottle of carpet cleaner we made it to 8:30am That thankfully was the last throw up and hasn't thown up since. We think maybe she had food poisoning but who knows. She has been pretty good today beside she doesn't want to eat and she is a little cranky and demanding. But so am I.


The Cook Clan said...

Poor kiddo. She gets sick a lot. Poor mom and dad as well. Good luck! I hope she is feeling better.

Jessica said...

Oy! What a night! And it seems like they only get sick at night. Good thing those calm, level-headed daddies can take charge and get us all through it.
Hope everyone gets feeling better!